Nick Sidaris

Software Engineer

South Orange County, California

B.S. in Computer Science, University of California, Irvine

View Resume


Software Engineer @ BeyondTrust

June 2018 - Present
Aliso Viejo, CA / Remote

Description: Development and maintaince of internal data management software to support BeyondTrust's Vulnerability Management Suite.

Technologies Used: C#, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core, .NET Framework, ASP.NET MVC, jQuery, Microsoft SQL Server

  • Developed dynamic front end web pages to view and manipulate database data using both ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core
  • Designed and created new MS SQL Server database entities using Entity Framework Core with a code first approach.
  • Wrote database migration logic to map and transfer data for an updated database design.
  • Refactored and modernized a legacy release system, increased reliability and halved processing time.
  • Adapted and improved back end data validation business logic to function in a new code base with an updated database schema.
  • Implemented an automated process to take and manage backups of our production database on a nightly basis.
  • Created a web interface with ASP.NET Core and jQuery to monitor and manage our scheduled task virtual machines in real time
  • Ported various functionalities and web interfaces from our old .NET framework based system to a new .NET Core based application.
  • Created an automated JSON parsing process that updates up to 1000 database records on a daily basis.



Description: A mock movie rental Java based website inspired by services like Netflix and IMDb.

Technologies Used: Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript, AWS, MySQL, RESTful API

  • Created Java servlets to serve dynamic web pages for movies, cast members, genres etc.
  • Utilized an AWS EC2 instance to deploy the site for demonstration purposes.
  • Created a mobile version of the site for Android and interfaced it with the main application through RESTful API requests.

ICS Search Engine and Web Crawler

Description: A python based search engine for the ics.uci domain, utilizes a web scraper to tokenize web pages and build a term frequency inverted index.

Technologies Used: Technologies Used: Python, JSON, BeautifulSoup

  • Created a web crawler to filter out trap urls and prevent the tokenizer from processing unnecessary or duplicate data.
  • Utilized NLTK libary word stemming to further improve search accuracy.


C#, Java, Python, SQL, C++, HTML, CSS, Javascript, XML, Json
.NET and .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Bootstrap, Entity Framework Core, LINQ
Source Control:
Git, TFS (Team Foundation Server)
Visual Studio, SQL Server Management Studio
AWS, Google Cloud
Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite
Object Oriented Design, Relational Databases, Agile, Scrum